Didn’t find the information you were looking for or you would like to inquire about customization services? Please fill in the form below.
Didn’t find the information you were looking for or you would like to inquire about customization services? Please fill in the form below.
If you have any question or need help with the theme, please use this form. Alternatively, you can contact me using these methods:
Email: hello [at] huysmans [dot] me
Author website: https://huysmans.me
If you would like to change the look and feel of your site beyond the scope of the theme built-in options or would like to add functionality, I can provide customization services. Please drop me a line using this form to explain what you would like to achieve and I’ll get back to you with my availabilities and a quote for the service.
If something is not working correctly and would like to report a bug, use this form and include a detailed description of the problem, the device and browser on which you’re noticing the issue, and the steps needed to reproduce the issue.