Theme documentation

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Image dimensions/sizes


Here are some recommended images dimensions you might need (in pixels):

  • Header CTA minimum width: 750
  • Hero Background image (1 column): 3200 x 1415
  • Hero Background image (2 column): 1680 x 1440
  • Hero Background image (3 columns): 1050 x 1260
  • CTA Module Background image: 3200 x 1050 (dimension varies a bit with content)
  • Product spotlight Background image: 3200 x 1050 (dimension varies a bit with content)
  • Product spotlight Image on the side: 1800 x 1600 (dimension varies a bit with content)
  • Newsletter popup image center: 960 x 800 (dimension varies a bit with content)
  • Newsletter popup image corner: 790 x 400
  • Banner images: Click here

For content such as products, blog articles, and categories, images will be automatically resized, but we recommend uploading very large images that will fit any situations.

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